Placing clay in the hands of young people…
FiredUp4 provides training and equipment
FiredUp4 raises funds in partnership with OnSide, to place clay into the hands of hundreds of young people, providing studios, equipment, and training within the Network of Youth Zones across the UK. These Youth Zones are dynamic independent charities committed to supporting young people to discover their passion and their purpose.
We say a big thank you to all the ceramic artists, organisations and individuals that have made such an impact to our work so far.
Our philosophy with FiredUp4 is to place soft clay into young hands. We are achieving this by installing studios within the OnSide network of Youth Zones.
We ask for your imaginative support towards our objective. Our philosophy can be applied in many ways in addition to our specific projects: could you run a local clay group with young people? Is there a school or community place you could reach out to with a bag of clay?
We believe small generous actions can create a difference for the young. The power of clay is not to be underestimated; the haptic experience of clay makes a lasting impression. If we work together, we can create a positive impact in those valuable years of childhood and adolescence.
The young feel that there is danger in the world around them, and we would like them to know that there is a kindness and generosity within the ceramic field, where we can share and pass on to them the benefits that we very well understand. Hooray for clay!
Kate Malone MBE
Creativity and hand skills need not make a world of artists; it can make well rounded individuals who can be creative in all subjects and feel empowered by the ability to create. I passionately believe making with hands has therapeutic benefits that all children should be able to experience.
Kate Malone MBE